Sardine hide and seek
The rules of the sardine hide-and-seek game are simple. To start, only one child will hide while the others count to 30. Then the children go in search of the hidden child, the sardine. When a child finds the sardine, he hides with it. The other children who find the sardine also hide with it until there is only one child left searching. This one is the loser and he will become the sardine for the next round.
Treasure hunt
To make an interesting treasure hunt for children, you can base it on a theme that your children enjoy. For example, dinosaurs, princesses or superheroes. Then you can hide objects related to the theme you have chosen. Children can also dress up according to the theme to make it even more fun.
Obstacle course
There are several ways to organize a children’s obstacle course. You can put hoops of different sizes on the floor and the children have to jump from one hoop to another. You can race with a sack of potatoes and see which kid gets to the finish line first. You can create a zigzag path with chairs and the children have to run around them while dribbling a ball.
Need more inspiration? Here’s a list of classic outdoor activities!
- Sand bags
- Flying disk
- Badminton
- Velcro ball
- Tag
- Marco Polo
- Skip rope
- Spike ball
- Marco Polo in the pool
- Sprinkler for water games
Work up an appetite after all that fun? It’s prime time for BBQ hot dogs!
You’ll need:
- Lafleur hot dog wieners
- Hot dog buns
- Chips
- Fun beverages
What could be better than an outdoor movie when the sun goes down?
- A projector
- A screen (No screen? No problem! You can use a white sheet.)
- A good summer movie.