It’s no secret that hockey holds an important place in the hearts of Quebecers. And who says hockey night, inevitably says hot dogs, whether it’s at home in the living room, at the Forum in the early days, or now in the stands of the Bell Centre. Therefore, it was obvious that the Montreal Canadiens were partners of choice for Lafleur, a collaboration that we have been renewing every season for several years.
It is also because of this very natural association that we have proposed the following version of the brand slogan:
« Le hockey, c’est chez nous. Chez nous, c’est Lafleur. »
Lafleur undoubtedly has the Habs tattooed on the heart, but also has hockey in its veins, and we are particularly proud to highlight it this year. Indeed, Lafleur has been a partner of the Montreal Canadiens for more than 20 years now!

Over the years, we have offered a variety of contests, ranging from the name of the winner on the board, to family nights in a Bell Center box, to prime seats at the «Soirée Québécoise», as well as a whole lot of other special prizes. These allowed us to promote the brand and provide Lafleur and Montreal Canadiens fans with unique experiences through our partnership.
Fans during the ”Soirée Québécoise” at the Bell Center – 2019 Contest -
Win your name on the board – 2018 Contest -
Winners of the ”Soirée Toute Garnie” at the Bell Center – 2019 Contest
This year is no exception! From January 24th to March 6th, 2022, with the purchase of a Lafleur product, register for our contest “Le hockey, c’est chez nous. Chez nous, c’est Lafleur. “. You could have a chance to win an entire evening of hockey, thanks to Lafleur, valued at $10,000 and including the following elements:
- Twelve tickets to attend a Montreal Canadiens regular season game in a box at the Bell Centre.
- One night for a family of four at the hotel the night of the game.
- Four official Montreal Canadiens jerseys.
Good luck to all!